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Auke Bay Bible Church is governed by Biblically qualified and appointed Elders, who serve as main officers and bear responsibility for the overall shepherding of the church in accordance with the will and Word of God.

Mick Ewing

Eric Hotchkiss
Larry Walsh

Mark Morris
Auke Bay Bible Church appoints Deacons to be responsible for the administrative and ministry functions of the church building, finances, ministries, and operations.

Brent Wittmer

Josh Ryan

Kevin Dumont

Bryan Evans
ABBC Staff

Shannon Lewis - Admin. Asst

Mick Ewing
- Office Minister

Kara Lange
- Communications Admin

Jess Dull
- Bookkeeper, Edu. Asst

Stephen Sheir
- Office Minister
Larry Walsh
- Office Minister

Sharon Butler
- Custodian
Worship Leaders
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